ADDLife Studio
Today's Love Master Class is post-poned. Mother Nature's snow has to do her thing!
11:35 AM"We are bold to launch a business in February," said the studio's co-founder as I yelped at the big snow covering everything.
Today, we are supposed to host Part 2 of "Love: A Tell All". But when I got in the car this morning, and hiked the slow-rolling wheels on top of the snow, I decided to post-pone the second Master Class on love.
Instead of battling the record-breaking elements, I need to let Mother Nature do her thing!
However -- the first Love Master class last Wednesday was very encouraging.
Led by my father, Walle Amusa, author of "The Essential Elements of Love," the class uncovered the scientific equation of love which forms the foundation of any successful relationship.
Trust that is built, communicated, and protected is the love multiplier that bottle-rockets any bond into the echelons of human emotion and high spirits.
Further, through focused talks and exercises, we elevated the class experience and made some artistic trouble along the way.
At one point, ADDLife! Studio's co-founder Orneet burst into the room and sprinkled confetti over us, all the while calling herself the "love fairy!"
"Did Somebody say Loooove!" she asked us.
To which all I could say was: "Yes!"
Today, we are supposed to host Part 2 of "Love: A Tell All". But when I got in the car this morning, and hiked the slow-rolling wheels on top of the snow, I decided to post-pone the second Master Class on love.
Instead of battling the record-breaking elements, I need to let Mother Nature do her thing!
However -- the first Love Master class last Wednesday was very encouraging.
Led by my father, Walle Amusa, author of "The Essential Elements of Love," the class uncovered the scientific equation of love which forms the foundation of any successful relationship.
Trust that is built, communicated, and protected is the love multiplier that bottle-rockets any bond into the echelons of human emotion and high spirits.
Further, through focused talks and exercises, we elevated the class experience and made some artistic trouble along the way.
At one point, ADDLife! Studio's co-founder Orneet burst into the room and sprinkled confetti over us, all the while calling herself the "love fairy!"
"Did Somebody say Loooove!" she asked us.
To which all I could say was: "Yes!"
ADDLife Studio
Love plows through snow: Behind the scenes of ADDLife's first Love Master Class
9:51 AMPrepping for my studio's first Master Class on Love taught by my Dad, I knew we'd have to over come some serious challenges. That day saw St. Louis City layered in a historic fall of ice and snow. The temperature dwelled between 0 and few degrees. And people around town were probably thinking: "Even love can't bring me out tonight."
But instead of canceling our plans, we pushed through all doubt and all climatic conflict, and to launch our first Love workshop. And the results were noteworthy. A warm group of family and friends turned out and we snuggled in for what was a sparkling night of sharing smart and practical ways of harnessing love's power.
Poet and world luminary Maya Angelou said this amazing truism about love:
"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope."

And to that, I add: Love crunches through the snow!
Today is one of the snowiest days in St. Louis, and it preceeds an ice storm which had people swearing to stay indoors for days. But despite the weather, Love will hit the stage today at ADDLife! Studio in St. Louis.
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