Bolokada Conde, Addlife! invites you to Guinea this December & January! There’s nothing like it!!
6:02 PMBolokada Conde and Addlife! are beyond excited to invite you on Bolokada's very special Drum & Dance learning intensive in Guinea!
As you know, Bolokada is an incredible guide, master
instructor, and folklorist!! He is the foremost
Malinke drummer and living treasure chest of traditional Malinke music and
He’s offering two powerful trips:
December 7 - 28, 2014
& January 11 - 30, 2015
See video itinerary now!
On each trip -- Bolokada takes us on a deep and
non-stop tour of Malinke music, culture, dance, and language!
DRUM: Bolokada teaches the richest gems of Malinke
rhythms, his unbelievable musical arrangements, and his powerful technique,
which whips people into a frenzy!
DANCE: We study dance with Ibrahima Soumah --the
award-winning director of Conakry’s Ballet Soleil – and dive into a dance repertoire
so dynamic, you will be inspired for life!
CULTURE: We traverse three villages, staying in Bolokada’s
beautiful homes in Kissidougou, Morowaya, and Faranah! In Faranah, we stay in
the compound of the late great Fadouba Oulare – the Djembe godfather and Bolokada’s
close friend. We take advanced Djembe classes from Oulare’s son Sekouba and
advanced dance classes with Oulare’s powerhouse village dancers.
We take volumes of notes, and ask questions. We
learn the complexities and intricacies of traditional and Ballet Repertoire music and dance. We participate in village ceremonies as they
take place! We trek into the woods to see the Linke wood tree. We take a rare and historical class with the
pioneering Koungbana Conde! We dance on the earth, & drum on freshly-built
djembes! We tap the force of the dunun orchestra & practice
rhythms into the night.
We sing, laugh, and love!
Consider joining Bolokada! There’s nothing like
it! Bask in this effervescent journey
that is studying with Bolokada, family, and friends. There are a lot of Guinea trips out there – so consider
taking the voyage this year.
To learn more, call Bolokada today (831) 345 – 4126 or Malena Amusa (314) 458 - 4282!
Or visit
for full registration details.
We have a great group forming so far!
Malena Amusa
When Guinea calls, we answer. And we are forever