A Brave New World! -- This Saturday -- Malena's Ultra African Dance Workshop
10:07 AMFor all you brave people who dare to embark on a new world no matter what -- you are especially invited to my Ultra African Dance Workshop -- this Saturday, April 21 -- at 3pm!
Summer is a hot breath away and I am excited to be hosting my company's April mega dance class this Saturday! Since we began the Saturday classes, great things have happened! The benefits of African dance are growing and people are growing with passion!
Summer is a hot breath away and I am excited to be hosting my company's April mega dance class this Saturday! Since we began the Saturday classes, great things have happened! The benefits of African dance are growing and people are growing with passion!
I can't wait to see you in my workshop!
The class is $10 – and $5 if you bring a friend! *** To RSVP, FB Malena Amusa or text (314) 458 -4282!