AddLife's Business Writing Workshop: "Good Writing is Effective Writing"

10:55 AM

AddLife! Studio held two great writing workshops in March, led by Studio founder Malena Amusa.
The workshops attracted a quaint bunch of astute professionals who all had major writing projects, from books to TV scripts. Through writing challenges and focused conversation, participants learned how to make writing a detailed reflection of their remarkable achievements and visions.
After all, to write in bold detail is to claim total authority over your life. And excitingly, the more we define who we are and what we want, the better people are able to see where we're going and join along.
Now, here are Malena Amusa's 7 top biz writing tips!

7. Writing is easy when you care about what you're saying.
6. Writing is easy when you think how to best inform yourself and others.
5. Before you sit down to write anything, pump yourself up like you’re playing in a championship game! Say, 'my words can change the world! I have incredible ideas! I am so excited to express myself and communicate with the world!'
4.   Good writing is effective writing. What is the best, most direct way to inform my audience? If I only had 3 sentences to explain myself, what would I say?
3. Brilliant business writing is clear, organized, and direct: it leaves no confusion. Make an outline. Have your points and facts ready. 
2. Excellent business writing requires good editing. Accuracy, accuracy, accuracy is key! How many times have you seen your named misspelled in a business document?
1. Happy writers embrace editing! It’s a process. 1st look at flow, then overall structure, then sentence structure, then grammar, then proper nouns.
Also --if you love love love writing, then we're happy to tell you that AddLife! is hosting an inspiring writing party this April!
What: Write Your Heart Out! A Creative Writing Party & Workshop
When: Saturday, April 30,  2-4pm.
Where: @ InPower Institute, 5400 Nottingham Ave., 63109

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