Immortal Passion! is just 1 day away!!!

10:31 AM

The tales of legendary women being brought to life this Saturday at Immortal Passion! A Fiery Concert of African Dance & Music are “inspiring beyond belief,” says the globe-trotting dancer and producer of the show, Malena Amusa, founder of AddLife! Studio.

‘Concert of African Dance & Music’ Saturday at Legacy Books

St. Louis American Newspaper
There’s the story of Sharifa, an African-American woman who boldly provokes her Baptist church to champion her African roots.

There’s the story of a Japanese woman, so beautiful that state law bans men from seeing her, until one day, she snags the heart of Japan’s president.

There’s the story of India’s Hindu goddess, Radha, whose heart burns with so much passion, she inspires an entire nation to believe in love.

“Through mesmerizing African dance and music, the stories of these global women will gain legs and wings,” Amusa says. “As they fly, you will want to fly with them.”

And then there’s the story of Malena Amusa, age 27, who is starring in her own concert that she designed specifically to excite the creative imagination of her hometown, St. Louis.

“From the moment you walk into the theater, you will be totally engaged,” says Amusa. “Dancers will lunge out at you. Singers will grab your hands. This is the most daring, cutting-edge concert experience I have produced.”

Immortal Passion! is Amusa’s third concert of dance, drama, and music in St. Louis.

“Like Tyler Perry, I want to put up productions that make us holler and celebrate. Like Oprah, I want to promote a whole generation of brilliant people,” Amusa says.

As she explains her mission, Amusa talks at rapid speed, flails her arms in the air, and smiles from ear-to-ear. Her eyes are lit up with energy.

“I don’t sleep at night many times,” she says. “I’m always thinking, ‘what more can I do to inspire the world?’ I want to lead a movement of artists obsessed with this question.”

Anneliese Hubbard, a dancer and costume designer for Immortal Passion! is happy to be among the concert’s cast of  artists.

“Malena is bringing so many dynamic performers together,” Hubbard says. “And she takes risks, combining dances from Mali, Senegal and Guinea. It’s explosive.”

For one of the pieces in which Hubbard plays a Japanese geisha, Hubbard has carefully designed a costume which fuses the best of African and Japanese aesthetics.

“Art is my fountain of youth,” says Hubbard, founder of Hazel Wear fashion and jewelry line. “I feel liberated to be able to express my art.”

Immortal Passion! A Fiery Concert of African Dance, Music, & Legendary Tales of Women from Africa, America, India, and Japan will take place Saturday, August 13, at 8 p.m. at Legacy Books & Café, 5249 Delmar Blvd. Tickets are $15 at the door. Call (314) 458 -4282 to reserve. For more information, visit

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