I want to be a Yogi! Free classes at Pura Yoga this month!

8:49 AM

I want to be a Yogi! 

This September, I’m on a mission to master Yoga!! Well, at least in my mind. LOLOL! Luckily, PuraYoga Studio is offering free amazing yoga sessions all September!  I am totally excited! Can I finally learn to prop up my own weight!? Breathe ever so boldly all the time?! Feel like a tiger while doing the downward dog?! My name is Malena Amusa and I want to be a Yogi!

I am a dancer, reporter, CEO and producer. I make magic out of everything. Movement, words, plans, and ideas!  But yet when it comes to Yoga, I can rarely make the time.
Yoga requires doing a lot of stuff I don’t do in my typical day. Like sitting cross-legged. Breathing consciously and chanting spiritual affirmations out-loud. Sure Yoga is fun. But to engage it, I have to totally let go – of my cell phone, of my high-heels, of my… day plans. If even for just an hour, a single Yoga session forces us to stop, drop, and roll with the spirit and embrace our power! And this is why this September, I am finally answering my body’s call for Yoga. I am  taking as many free classes at PuraYoga that I can. Lord, help me!
Since I can remember, real life Yogis  utterly captivate me.. I am simply amazed by people who have taken the time to excel at this ancient art form. Everything about serious Yoga practitioners compels my extreme wonder.

Yogis!  How do you plank for seemingly hours? Yogis! How can you even utter a word while executing some of the most grueling poses?  Look how boldly you defy age, time, and space!
It’s time I become a Yogi too!
Recently I met the Yoga specialist Monica. She manages the PuraYoga Studio which is offering free classes by different brilliant Yogis this entire month.
When I first attended Monica’s class, my Yogi love instantly took over! There was just a power in her every movement which was undeniably well-earned. Even her yodel of “Ommmm” seemed to roar from a set of totally muscle-toned lungs. An hour later, while I was feeling exasperated, laying on my back for the last pose, and hoping to fall into a night-long nap -- Monica, well, she looked like she could have taught 10 more sessions back –to-back. 
This is why I love Yogis. To witness their ease of strength is like watching a tiger in the wild. And inside of all of us is a wild desire to be that tiger. To seize that point in which power in a mere instinct, not an incomprehensible exercise. To be a tiger is why I want to be a Yogi! 
After Yoga, my body coos with pure prowess.
And good news! So far, some of my friends have noticed my extra glow. I also attend free Yoga at InPower Institute on Sundays, and it was there yesterday that my favorite Yogi, Redina, said she could see my improved skills from across the room. “You go girl!” she said.
As I step, pose, and breathe my way into more Yoga, I hope you get inspired to heighten the power in your life! By any means necessary. None of this will be easy, but when you reach your true power, you’ll know. You may feel tense, hot, and terrified throughout, but at the end, you’ll levitate, floating on your own strength!
30 : Number of Yoga poses I hit last week with amazing precision
10 seconds: How long I can hold a plank without collapsing to the floor
1 minute: How long I can hold one leg in the air while bending over, hands to the ground
1: Successful arm stand

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