This Sat., Feb. 11, 1 MEGA class, 2 HOT HOT teachers: "Love is a Dance!"
9:43 PMAfter a body-strengthening warm-up, the spellbinding choreographer, Audra Morrow will lead a lesson in an Afro-dazzling, fusion dance of desire.
Later, dance inspiration and founder of AddLife! Studio, Malena Amusa will unleash into the Guinea flirtation of dance Yankady, all set to live drumming and of course, your roaring pulse.
Join us for this thrilling celebration of learning, Valentine's Day, and Black History Month.
"Love is a Dance!"
Saturday, Feb. 11, @ 3:30pm
Presented by AddLife! Studio
$10 at the door ~ bring a friend
Location: The Legacy (5249 Delmar Blvd.)
RSVP: text: (314) 458 - 4282